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Yoga at Home

Spiritual SUPPORT

Spiritual wellness is an important part of overall mental health and quality of life.  There are many different ways people view spirituality and often gets confused with religion. In general, spirituality is a sense of connection to something greater than oneself. When we experience a physical illness or dissonance/block in our mental, emotional or energetic fields, it is our system messaging the requirement to change perspectives and take action to allow a movement into wholeness. We are designed to self-heal, but you may need support in the How. Our team at LiveWELL all work from an energy healing framework to best meet your spiritual care needs  which can lead to physical healing, reduction of pain, and personal growth.  Types of spiritual support and energy healing we offer include:


Shamanic Healing


Reiki is a form of complementary therapy relating to energy healing. Reiki is a safe, gentle, non-invasive form of natural hands-on, energy-based healing.


Reiki improves the flow of energy around the body which promotes relaxation, stress reduction, pain relief, and symptom relief to improve overall health and wellbeing.


If you're looking to become more actively involved in their own health, Reiki is a good integrative therapy to try because people generally start feeling better very quickly with Reiki.

Book your Service with Jeannine Batterson.

Shamanic Healing

Shamanic Healing
Shamanism is based on the belief that everything is Spirit. Everything means the earth, air, water, trees, plants, your body, mountains, you name it; it is Spirit.


Anything that keeps us from seeing Spirit in all things has to be surrendered. People seek shamanic healing when they are confused about a decision, when resistance arises or when feeling stuck, when issues from the past present themselves, for depression, anxiety, or aftermath of accidents and trauma, for relationship difficulties, or to achieve a goal or start a new project. 

Book your Service with Jeannine Batterson.

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